One more meme
1. I like my cats, Moumoune and Nefertiti, very much, and I like to like them.
2. I like my hpy bis-blog, as it allows me to play with my not so good pictures and to make something I like of them. Go and have a look, if you haven't yet. I would like that, and eventual comments, too.
3. I like having learned to remain calm and cool, except of course when I get irritated. Sometimes even then. It's so frustrating for the others. Ha ha.
4. I like the fact that Nefertiti (who is a cat, if you have forgotten) seems to like me very much. As so often she sits next to me right now.
5. I like my ability to play with words in a couple of languages. I do it better in French than in English, however. That could be because I haven't been speaking anything than French for some thirty years.
6. I like my dark blue eyes as they allow me to see so much.
7. I like my kind of humour, even though people don't always understand it. But we're not talking about them (you?), but about what I like in myself.
8. I like having nothing on my conscience. Even when I was wrong, I always did what I thought was right, and I like to live like this. (This is getting too serious.)
9. I like, like Mary likes hers, my creativity. Not only do I like it, I also need it in order to feel alive.
10. I like my ability to laugh at myself. You may do it too, and if you do, we'll see if I like that!
27 commentaires:
Too early to comment - waiting for your translations?
I got an award yesterday and now you have also got it; I hope you accept! (See my blog.)
I will comment your ten points later!
I think I won't translate today, Peter. It was already hard to write (I like being modest, too and there are so many things I like about myself that the choice was extremely difficult).
Thanks for the inspirational award, I just put it on the blog, and now I have to live up to it. As I said, life can be hard sometimes.
We'll see if I give it further someday. At least I'll keep it for some time, wouldn't give it up for all money in the world.
Voilà, c'est fait. Défi relevé.
Moi aussi, j'ai eu du mal.
Tout ce que tu dis de toi, je l'aime et je te reconnais bien là.
Ce qu'on aime chez nous, ce sont nos défauts et quelques choses que nous avons accomplies et ne sont pas forcément de notre ressort.
Un jour Etienne est entré dans sa classe de maternelle, il y avait un tas de galets à taches NetB sur une table, il s'est écrié "oh un paysage de vaches"
La maitresse et la plasticien étaient épatés car il était le seul à avoir vu ça...
Je l'ai peut être déjà raconté...
Je radote moi aussi, et j'aime radoter
Tiens ! J'ai pas pensé à ça comme qualité...
Avons-nous réussi à faire de nos défaut des qualités, Cergie?
OK, all in English then!
For some of your points you must be the only judge, but for at least points 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 I can but confirm!!!
Happy if you are happy with the award and some of your 10 statements are the reasons why you clearly desserved it!!
Peter, I noticed that you don't agree with point 8. So what do I have on my conscience according to you? Quite a lot, probably, but I could have added an eleventh point, I like not having a good memory when I don't need it.
10 things I like about myself; the easy way out: My fingers, haha!
Doesn't work quite so well in French, does it? Mes 20 doigts. Am I the only one laughing - again?
I'm smiling Rita. (I don't laugh very often.)
Done. My contribution is here.
It's good to know that you like cows, Liisa. Thanks for replying.
je me demande si c'est pas une vengeance personnel, parceque j'arrive souvent le premier sur les blogs (pas aujourd'hui, mais j'ai une excuse, bcp de boulot).
Pas facile, mais miss cergie et toi, vous vous en etes bien sortis. Je pense qu'il est plus facile de dire ce que l'on aime pas, plustot que ce que l'on aime ;o). je vais essayer de repondre à cette invitation en debut de semaine prochaine
AHah c'est à cause de vous tous ces défis qui circulent sur le blog!! vous avez trouvé une bonne idée pour nous faire travailler. :-) je vous félicite et suis ravie de vous connaître un peu.
Chez nous, il existe des vaches violettes, ce sont les vaches Milka. Mais seuls les initiés les voient telles qu'elles sont vraiment.
" et la marmotte emballe le chocolat dans le papier d'alu...." :-) bises!
Loin de moi une idée de vengeance Olivier, mais comme je ne commence qu'à faire ta connaissance la tentation était trop grande.
J'ai pensé à la vache violette quand j'ai vu cette vache, Delphinium, et j'ai eu envie de chocolat, mais je n'en ai pas un stock dans ma voiture. Cela n'empêche que vous pourriez répondre au défi, aussi!
WOW! That was very fast!
I love your list and I think we have commonalities and you have some thing on yours I would have loved to have put on mine.
Like modesty. It is a little embarrassing to make and PUBLISH a list of things I like about myself--it seems sort of like bragging. I was thinking of making a list of ten things I dislike about myself to balance it.
Great list, hpy, and thanks for playing along.
I don't have any cats right now, but when I did, I loved them lots.
It was a pleasure to be tagged by you, Mary, and more so to be asked to tell the good things about myself. Wasn't it really like that for you? Why should we always tell about our bad sides? Modesty could be one of them! Or maybe not, finally.
Félicitation à toi pour ta nouvelle médaille !
Moi aussi, j'ai donc été honorée par notre ami commun Peter, et je me suis mis ma décoration à la boutonnière de cergipontin...
Décorée pour mes commentaires ET mes messages !!!!!!
Tout le monde ne peut avoir été la muse initiatrice !
Vähän oma huumori kait minullakin, kun leffassa aina nauran yksin :)
This makes me think back to summer days on Grandpa's farm. I used to love to walk the cows from pasture to barn and back again. I also loved feeding the calves when the season was right. I was definitely afraid of the bull that a neighbor used to lead down the road and into the pasture every spring to service the ladies. Then, of course, isn't this the spitting image of an album cover for Noel Redding's band - Fat Mattress - after leaving Jimi Hendrix? :D
Parempi nauraa yksin kuin ei ollenkaan, Hannele.
Mick, it's incredible how many people have been busy with cows when they were small. I was definitely a city-girl, even though I spent the summers on the countryside. But never with cows! Will you participate with your own reply to the meme?
Minua naurattaa pahuksesti vaikka en tiedä mille=D
Nyt on komennti kierros valmis, on ollut rauhallista kirjoittaa.
Kuukauden päästä tahti paranee.
Kuvia kyllä tulee tasaiseen tahtiin.
Hiljaista on, Kootee, kun ihmiset ovat lomalla. Paitsi mina. Saa nahda tuleeko kuva paivassa elokuussakin. Kavaisen kylla katsomassa ja joskus kommentoimassakin.
j'en prend note et je reviens ;) à tout de suite et bizzzz !
Tant que tu ne piques pas, Maya!
Utmaningen tagen HPY, jeg får ikke gjort noe i kveld, men i morgen/eller tisdag kommer jag med en lista!! Takk skal du ha :) Utmaningar er jätteskoj!
Nu er vi hemma igjen från hytta (landstallet) og det er skjønt! Men det er 10 tonn kläder å tvätta huff...
god natt god natt, i morgon bitti måste jeg himla tidig opp! 05.30. iiiiik *skratter*
god natt )
j'ai enfin repondu avec mes dix doigts :) dis donc !
Please don(t tag me! But I like your cow indeed!
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