dimanche 21 octobre 2007

You make me smile

I hadn't noticed but I have recieved the "You Make Me Smile Award" from Koselig. (She forgot to tell me!) Many thanks to Norway. It was so kind of you, especially as I needed something like this award to pass on to a certain person.

According to the rules I should give it to ten persons who make me smile, but I won't follow the rules this time (either), as there is one person above all who's made me smile, no, laugh madly lately.

This person is
Delphinium, or Delirium as she's also called. If you've read her you wouldn't wonder why.

Congratulations Delirium, and please don't drink too many Pisco Sours with your hallucinogenic mushrooms or you won't notice the award at your right.

Of course I could have given this award also to Elegia of Toxicosis who would certainly appreciate Delirium's mushrooms, or to Peter who made us all discover the Pisco Sour. Koselig herself wouldn't say no to a glass of champagne offered by Peter. I'm sure of that. As a vegetarian, Cergie would appreciate the coca leaves that Peter brought back from his trip to South America, and Lyliane says there's no difference between a Pisco sour and a certain mushroom - the result is the same.

And then there are all the other, elfs and imps and more or less normal bloggers of the world. I'm so happy that you are there. It makes me smile. Thank you, all of you! Please pick up one of the remaining nine awards, each one of you.

9 commentaires:

Mick a dit…

I smile at so many of the same posts, hpy - and at so many awards. Are the mushrooms really the hallucinogenic variety? Time to make an omelet! :)

Anonyme a dit…

ohhhhhh je viens de voir, cela me touche beaucoup, j'en ai même les larmes aux yeux... de joie. Smack!!!

SusuPetal a dit…

I'm more or less a normal blogger and I do smile occasionally.
And what makes me smile?

All you lovely bloggers!

Thank you all for your posts and photos and art!

Peter a dit…

Very approporiate that you got this award! However, when it comes to Delirium - and especially lately also you, I don't know if the "smile prize" is the right one; it should rather be a prize for loud laughs, but such a prize is perhaps not yet invented!!! Maybe we should create one?

(I have now with some regrets given up the Pisco Sour - having seen some bad examples of over dose - and the coca leaves. Back on champagne!)

Cergie a dit…

Il est sûr que tu mérites amplement cette reconnaisance de tes pairs, chère HPY. Surtout depuis quelques temps. Je me demande si ce n'est pas cette satanée Delphinium qui t'a corrompue. Vous vous êtes influencées mutuellement. Quel beau couple vous formez ! Comme Laurel et Hardy. Comme de Funès et bourvil. Comme Titi et G'los Minet....

Merci d'avoir parlé de moi. J'suis végétarienne pas intégriste, j'adore les champis mais les champi qui ressemblent à bonbons gélifiés, j'sais pas, j'suis pas sûre...

Cergie a dit…

Dis donc, toi ? Comment se fesse que les photos soient visibles pour moi ?
Abusates tu des feuilles de coca ou du pisco sour oudes champis illicites hier au soir pour pas avoir les 2 zyeux en face des trous ??

Anonyme a dit…

ahhhhhhhhhhhh titi et gros minet. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonyme a dit…

il va falloir s'entendre. Qui fait Titi et qui fait Gros Minet?

lyliane six a dit…

Merci pour tous tes merci, en tous cas on a bien ri.