Honestly about scrap
I'm delighted. Mary sent me the Honest Scrap-award earlier this week.

That's the reason why today I show a picture in the bis-way, panorama-like and slightly transformed. It should be titled Fécamp. Nothing else.
But how could I transmit the award to someone if I didn't let me be a little talkative?
But how could I transmit the award to someone if I didn't let me be a little talkative?
What's honesty? My Finnish roots remember that Finns believe they are the most honest people in the word. A law abiding people who doesn't like riots. But I have been away too long to say if it's true or not.
Scrap then? The dictionary says that it can be either a small piece, a fragment , or discarded waste material, especially metal suitable for reprocessing. In the plural it means leftover bits of food.
Which one should I choose? The leftovers? The waste metal? Ok! Let me be honest enough to say that I prefer the fragments of life that I suppose my pictures are at least supposed to be!
So thank you, Mary, for the pleasure you gave me with this award.
As so often, it's hard to choose the persons or the blogs whom to award. Some are away on holidays, some have recently been awarded, all may be honest and produce scrap (in any of the three ways...) , so first I decided to keep it like the selfish person I really am.
But then I agreed with myself that there are so many blogging friends that produce marvellous things, that it wouldn't be honest to do so.
Of course there must be some honest Finns on my list:
Heli and her 52 Photographs
Kari and his photos from Oulu
Pena from Turku Daily Photo
And as the Finns don't have the monopoly on honesty, I have the pleasure of giving it also to
April from Germany.
This of course doesn't mean that bloggers from other countries don't blog honestly.
And that's all!
No, that's not all! I hereby make Mary lady of the hpy blog-award. May she do whatever she wants with it as long as it makes her hpy. There are no rules! Not a single one, except that it must make you hpy.
Which one should I choose? The leftovers? The waste metal? Ok! Let me be honest enough to say that I prefer the fragments of life that I suppose my pictures are at least supposed to be!
So thank you, Mary, for the pleasure you gave me with this award.
As so often, it's hard to choose the persons or the blogs whom to award. Some are away on holidays, some have recently been awarded, all may be honest and produce scrap (in any of the three ways...) , so first I decided to keep it like the selfish person I really am.
But then I agreed with myself that there are so many blogging friends that produce marvellous things, that it wouldn't be honest to do so.
Of course there must be some honest Finns on my list:
Heli and her 52 Photographs
Kari and his photos from Oulu
Pena from Turku Daily Photo
And as the Finns don't have the monopoly on honesty, I have the pleasure of giving it also to
April from Germany.
This of course doesn't mean that bloggers from other countries don't blog honestly.
And that's all!
17 commentaires:
felicitation pour ton Award. J'aime bien l'effet sur la photo, cela lui donne un coté vieille photo.
Kiitän kauniisti tässä hyvältä tuntuvasta tunnustuksesta! Pääsin näköjään vielä hyvää seuraan.
I like also hpy bis and hpy ter blogs, because my French is lousy and it always despairs me to look at all that text written in a language I have no knowledge of.
But what is hpy hep?????
Kari, Pena and Heli are worth being awarded, I like their photos.
Thank you very much for thinking of me, hpy. It's very kind of you that you gave me that award. (Please don't be angry that I don't put it on my blog - I never do - and I don't pass them on either.) But let me tell you: your comments are very much welcome and make me hpy. They are the nicest awards you can give me. (Honesty, yes!)
This photo reminds me of an old, hand-tinted post card. :)
hehe, yup, sometimes we need to stop, sometimes we need to continue. whatever makes us hpy, indeed :D!
Here's something for you, HPY.
Pourquoi donc as tu changé le nom de ton blog ? Tes photos ne sont pas assez belles ? Tu ne reçois pas assez de marques de reconnaissance ?
Et ben tu as vraiment de bons amis, c'est beau ce que t'as dédié SusuPetal (sauf que tu as des lentilles de contact sur son dessin)
encore des récompenses. BRAVO... moi suis désolée, j'ai pas le courage de tout lire en anglais, suis raide aujourd'hui. Raide comme une queue de pie raide.
Turku Daily Photo tackar och bockar!
Awwwww . . . how sweet.
I did not make the rules of the award. And I've been meaning to make one of my own --I like YOUR rules.
but why are you UNhappy today?
I like this picture. It is very peaceful and serene. It makes me happy and I like lighthouses--or lighthouse-like structures. I like the sea/water and the spaciousness if it.
Mick is right, it does remind me of an old postcard. :-D
I have to explain myself a little beg your pardon--I am working on two novels--children's novels, though I have some adult ones as well, and I am working at a location that has no internet, so I cannot "surf the web" and often miss emails and comments on my blogs--I do not mean to be inconsiderate, but it is very difficult to keep up, but I really like your blog and when I do come, I often look at many pictures at once and enjoy them.
At least the award was not for the "honest crap!" What does that scrap mean in this context - I have no idea.
Yes, Hpy is so honest and bursting with a brilliant sense of humour :)
Congrats! Fully deserved!!
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