dimanche 2 septembre 2007

Talon rakentamista

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Kavin eilen DD'n kanssa hakemassa ostamani poydan Honfleur'sta, ja kotimatkalla emme ottaneet lyhinta tieta vaan ajelimme kovinkin pienia teita nahdaaksemme ymparistostamme aina vaan enemman.
Eraskin niista kulki aivan Seinen vieresta. Toisella puolella oli milloin lehmia laitumella, milloin ronsyja. Ilmeisesti siella kay ihmisia, silla joku oli tehnyt itselleen vihrean majan. Perunapeltoa en nahnyt.
Olen saanut jo aika paljon ehdotuksia talolle itselleni. Toistaiseksi olen julkaissut saapumisjarjesteyksessa, Isopeikon, SusuPetal'n, Mick'n, Marjan, Elegian ja Cergien teokset. Tanaan on vuorossa Lylianen ehdotus.

Lyliane ilmeisesti luulee minun olevan kissa. Ei se mikaan ihme ole, tietenkaan, mutta mahtuisinkohan tuohon Michel'n rakentamaan koppiin?

9 commentaires:

hpy a dit…

On our way back from Honfleur yesterday we took the smallest roads we could find. We were not the first ones, as somebody had already made himself a green house (not a greenhouse). After already six other suggestions for a house, the one that Lyliane has sent me makes me think that she belives I'm a cat.

Su notre route de retour de Honfleur hier (où j'ai acheté une table), nous avons pris des petites routes inconnues. Là quelqu'un s'etait construit une maison verte (donc écologique). Après les six pemières propositions déjà publiées, voici celle de Lyliane qui apparamment me prend pour un chat.

Anonyme a dit…

Yläkuvassa luulin et Tolkien hobitit Sormusten Herrasta sinne muuttamassa..

SusuPetal a dit…

Aika pieni talo kylläkin, mutta mahtuu kai sinne ainakin nukkumaan!

Mick a dit…

A house for a cat? I'm NOT going to say it! :D

isopeikko a dit…

Mitähän teet kaikilla taloillasi? Järjestät asuntomessut? Onnistuisikohan se?

Anonyme a dit…

He was http://startso11.info/OSP+Runowo.html shocked again.. This censorship, too, begins to act only with the reaching of a certain quantitative http://startso11.info/spider+man+2.html degree, so that few intense thought formations escape it.. Hester, my http://rebestal.info/schemat++regulacji+sprz%C4%99g%C5%82a+peugeot+405.html dear, come and talk to Miss Morland in French.. The establishment of the identity perception on the short regressive road http://startso11.info/kapownik.pl.html within the apparatus does not in another respect carry with it the result which inevitably follows the revival of the same perception from without.. At first I had http://startso11.info/SZKOLY+LUBLIN.html a feeling that I was going to be at great cost for clothing him.. He'll lose his wind! Mr. http://startso11.info/www.grono.et.html. Yo' ain' grievin' foh yo' ma? Again she shook her http://startso11.info/hipermarket+Aldi.html head.. In dreams of men one often finds the cravat as a symbol for the penis; this indeed is not only because cravats hang down long, and are characteristic of the man, but also http://startso11.info/%C4%87w.+si%C5%82owe+i+wytrzyma%C5%82o%C5%9Bciowe.html because one can select them at pleasure, a freedom which is prohibited by nature in the original of the symbol.. When the http://startso11.info/www.iana.pl.html dreamer wakes up for a moment, he has actually chased away the fly that has threatened to disturb his sleep.. The center window http://startso11.info/tbs+pruszk%C3%B3w+ziele%C5%84+miejska.html in the second floor of the Tutt House swung open, its little squares of glass flashing jubilantly in the sunlight.. Now the dream reversed this wished-for solution; was not this in the flattest contradiction to my theory of wish-fulfillment in the dream? Certainly, it was only necessary to draw the inferences http://startso11.info/www.milliajakijest.pl%2F.html from this dream in order to get at its interpretation.. One youngster made a political speech from the top of http://startso11.info/ngk.html the table; another impersonated Hamlet; and finally Elder Brown was lifted into a chair, and sang a camp-meeting song.. Podington with http://startso11.info/www.mini+mini.html the expected invitation to take a sail.. , the assumption of which is forced upon us by the dream, that we have to recognize and honor as the guardian of http://startso11.info/0ooio%5B.html our psychic health.. Its mode of action thus consists http://startso11.info/Gohan.no-ip.pl.html in so cooerdinating the parts of the dream that these coalesce to a coherent whole, to a dream composition.. But slightly affected by scientific opinion and untroubled as to the origin of dreams, the http://startso11.info/otton.html popular view holds firmly to the belief that dreams really have got a meaning, in some way they do foretell the future, whilst the meaning can be unravelled in some way or other from its oft bizarre and enigmatical content.. Her chief complaint, however, was in her own words as follows: http://storyah44.info/przy%C5%9Bpiewki+weselne.html She had a feeling in her body as if something was stuck into it which moved to and fro and made her tremble through and through.. Ah! said I, I see how it is. http://startso11.info/www.big+brather.pl.html. I will http://startso11.info/wypo%C5%BCyczalnia+samochod%C3%B3w+wroc%C5%82aw.html leave a note for Mrs.. I stepped into the dressing-room for a http://startso11.info/domki+kartuzy.html moment--stepped out for another--walked home, after a nod with Dennis, and tying the horse to a pump--and while I walked home, Mr...

Cergie a dit…

Bonne idée de Lyliane (comme ça, vous vous tiendrez chaud, DD les filles et toi) mais au niveau de la formalisation, tu es sûre que cela n'est pas plutôt un piège à rat de luxe ?

En ce qui concerne la maison verte, elle correspond à un de mes rêves d'enfant
Un autre étant de vivre dans un vieux fourgon comme la petite Annie qui est orpheline et héroïne d'une bande dessinée que j'adorais in my childhood

hpy a dit…

En kai voi kieltaa teita antamasta itselleni lahjoja, Isopeikko! ;-)

lyliane six a dit…

Dans une autre vie, tu seras peut être un chat,et tu seras heureuse, je pense, de trouver une petite maison écologique. Moi j'aurai voulu habiter une maison en bois comme au Québec et dans ton pays, ça sent bon, c'est chaud l'hiver, frais l'été, mais en France tout ce qui est écologique est hors de prix!! ça devrait être le contraire..