lundi 11 juin 2007

The result

Congratulations to all of you!

The majority, I name Rita, Pena, Peter, Koselig, Cergie and Siiri, looked at the biker and as law abiding citizens consequently said that the second picture, where he was on the right side of the road, was the good one. They had forgotten that we do not always do the right thing, so they had the right to be wrong.

A special mention goes to Lyliane, Olive and Hannele who made a comment without any reply to the question. Thank you very much.
I have not included DD's reply in my "statistics" as he was with me when I took the picture. But as you know, somebody always tries to cheat in any contest!

And the winners are Nathalie, Mary, Isopeikko and Liisa. Nathalie was fast and very clever, she just knew, but didn't know why. Mary and Liisa saw the road sign at the right side of the road , and Isopeikko even found other clues. We can thus say that a minority of less than a third doesn't care if people run their bikes or their cars on the wrong side of the road. But they were right!
The first picture was the right one.

12 commentaires:

hpy a dit…

Les résultats sont là. A vous d'en tirer les conséquences.

Har kommer det kommenterade reultatet pa forra veckans fraga.

Onneksi olkoon osallistujille ja erikoismaininta kaikille!

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Et voilà, tout au feeling !
Je n'ai pas attaché d'importance au cycliste, dans les petites rues comme ça on fait n'importe quoi !

Je te souhaite un bon retour parmi nous !

Anonyme a dit…

Tervetuloa takaisin kotiin ja Blogistaniaan! Ja kiitos viimeisestä, oli mukavaa tehdä mahdottomasta mahdollista!

Peter a dit…

Welcome back!!

I believe I said in my comments that the biker on the wrong side was too evident, but anyhow stupidly enough opted for this answer. I was quite sure you had cheated us somehow and of course youd did!

Anyhow, congratulations to the winners who used their eyes better (and a yellow card to DD)!

isopeikko a dit…

Erikoismaininnasta kiittäen. Kehystän sen jonain päivänä.

Cergie a dit…

Oh oui ! On a tous participé alors on a tous gagné c'est sûr !!!
Et Nathalie plus que tout le monde qui ne laisse jamais rien passer
Il y a SI LONGTEMPS ! Je ne me souviens plus de ma réponse en détail mis à part l'accent sur le cycliste.
Tu m'as manquée mon HPY préférée, depuis quinze jours. J'espère que tu as eu une bonne semaine (je me demande cependant si tu n'es pas partie justement pour régler des choses) et vas te remettre rapidement de tes fatigues et de tes émotions.

Liisa a dit…

Kiitos! On mukava olla joskus oikeassa.

Rita A a dit…

A great group effort! Good for us :)

Joukossa on voimaa. Kaksi päätä on parempi kuin yksi. Yhteistyö, monta näkökulmaa, bla bla bla. Sitä aina opiskelijoillenikin korostan. Vaikka sitten toisaalta joukossa saattaa olla Isopeikon tapainen monipuolinen ajattelija jolla on hoxottimia viiden tavallisen ajattelijan edestä :)

A very nice task. Thank you.

PS Tulitkö suoraan blogeihin vai otitko ensin sukset jalasta?

Anonyme a dit…

Well it must have been fun. I missed it. I miss a lot of things these days. But I came and saw the photos and didn't miss them.

Baby raccoons. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Brookville Daily Photo

Anonyme a dit…

åååååååååååååååh gatuskyltet... hahahahaha.. den var smart :))) hihihi!

Mary Stebbins Taitt a dit…

How fun! I was obsessing about it, actually! LOL! YAY!

I will be in Slovenia June 14-28 and not at home and prolly not on-line. Be back on the 29th (but probably tired!)

Maybe I should leave a little quiz or contest.

lyliane six a dit…

Je n'ai pas eu le courage de chercher, mais ça ne me dis pas comment tu as fait pour afficher ces 2 photos?
DD est un tricheur,il est allé sur place!! Mais si c'est près de chez toi, j'irai voir aussi bientôt j'espère.Bon retour en Normandie.