samedi 5 juillet 2008

Two or three masts

The fifth edition of the Armada officially opens today in Rouen. Some of the biggest three-masted barques in the world will be there.

Working in Rouen at the time of the first one in 1989, I was invited to visit it from a boat on the Seine, and that was a very nice way to do it, not having to fight with the crowds.

Even though Rouen is not so far away, I haven't seen any of the following ones. I don't really like crowds and queuing.

I feel much better in smaller places, with smaller boats, those with only two masts, like the one I saw coming back into the port of Fécamp yesterday in the early afternoon.

But anyway, maybe, just maybe, I'll go to Rouen and see some friends during the Armada.

13 commentaires:

Bergson a dit…

j'espère que tu vas nous régaler un moment avec les vieux gréments

GMG a dit…

Hi Helen!
It looks it's going to be fun in Rouen; I was wondering whether the 5 masts «Club Med2» would be a good choice for sailing, but maybe 2 or 3 masts are enough... ;)
Beautiful flower and bird pictures, and loved to see the blue and white field!
Thanks for your comment on Blogtrotter, now on its last post on Santiago de Compostela! Wish you a wonderful weekend!

Mick a dit…

This makes me want to pack my duffel bag, cross the gangway and head for the open sea. :)

claude a dit…

When watching the news on the TV I thought about you and I told to my self you have a lucky women to be able to see all these magnificient boats even when some have only two masts and not three.
One time in West Indies, when we sailed around Ste-Lucie Island we saw a very beautiful frigate. We were right on the place where the movie Pirates des Caraïbes was played.
Unfortunately I could take any photo.
We do not know why that frigate was there. May be some people were on a cruise.
Ouf ! Je ne sais pas si tout est correct, mais je me suis lancée !
Bonne Armada Hélène !

Liisa a dit…

Minustakin vähemmän on parempi.Se on helpompaa täällä harvaan asutussa maassa. Hyvää viikonloppua!

Miss_Yves a dit…

Malgré tout, cela doit être très beau, les grands vaisseaux, les grands trois-mats , les cordages, les forêts de voiles ...
Miss Yves

Anonyme a dit…

Sailing boats are always attractive. They evoke feelings of summer, holidays, freedom.

KooTee a dit…

Noniin, täälläpä on PALJON mielenkiintoisia kivoja kuvia.
Tulin käymään kotona ja nyt teen blogikierrosta =)

Anonyme a dit…

O caso da promiscuidade das entidades que têm sustentado a manutenção do stand sucateira ilegal também é um caso de polícia e de autoridades que terão que ser investigadas por outras.


Alain a dit…

Certes, ce ne pas Rouen et l'Amerigo Vespucci, mais au moins, on a pas besoin de 200 hommes d'équipage pour le manoeuvrer. Bien jolie ta petite goélette.

PeterParis a dit…

You should definitiely go to Rouen! To find your friends is important!!

Cergie a dit…

C'est comme de visiter les chateaux de la Loire, on est content de retrouver sa longère.

(Le ciel de Fécamp et celui de Rouen ont aussi mis les voiles : beaux nuages.)

Anonyme a dit…

Oli varmasti upeaa nähdä läheltä kuvassa olevakin "tuulen naukuja".(Windjammer).