mercredi 12 décembre 2007

U for Unopened

Undersigned has been looking for something to eat or drink in order to post U for Usual or Unusual food for the ABC Wednesday this week.

Unfortunately she hasn't found anything Useful, and even the T-bone beast she showed last week cannot help her as it doesn't have Udders.

Consequently she's started to feel Underfed, but finally that's not so bad as she isn't exactly Underweight.

A bit Upset but still Unwilling to give Up she decided to pour herself a glass of wine, and there it was, the Unsuspected solution.

The picture shows you how to start Uncorking an Unopened bottle.

Do you think she should have saved this for W for Wine in two weeks?

31 commentaires:

claude a dit…

Si je comprends bien tu ne l'as pas bu la bouteille ! Sinon le U n'a plus de sens ! W for wine ? Pas mal, mais as-tu trouvé what pour le V !!!!

dot a dit…

After thinking up all those U words I think she needed the wine this week!

Nathalie H.D. a dit…

Bravo pour ce jeu de U multiples, tu as bien gagné un verre de ce vin.

Pour la lettre W, il y a du choix en anglais. TU pourras toujours attaquer la bouteille de Whisky !

Rune Eide a dit…

If you do not manage to let it stay Unopened, than you can at least tell us about the Wine that was inside in two weeks time!

Cergie a dit…

Je comprends pas bien, tu parles de toi, là, à la troisième personne comme Alain Delon ?
(Le Boléro de Ravel, une vraie scie, je vais encore avoir ça en tête un moment)
Cette façon de laisser la capsule congé sur la bouteille, extra, du travail de pro. Etait-il bon le vin ?

Cergie a dit…

Pour le W, va au jardin des plantes et photographie le wappiti (cf chanson de vincent Delerm, "la vipére du Gabon"
Ah bon !)

Olivier a dit…

il ne manque plus que le tire bouchon et surtout le bruit du bouchon qui PLOP...

Anonyme a dit…


Anonyme a dit…


SusuPetal a dit…

Unopened Utilities in Utah?

Please do open the bottle and let's drink the wine now, not when the time for W is due.

hpy a dit…

Dot, I wouldn't wonder if she emptied the bottle! Well, maybe not alone!

Nathalie, une verre ça va ... mais je ne bois pas de whisky.

Runee, I can already tell you that it was good, once the bottle was uncorked.

Cergie, comeme la reine, tu veux dire? Je, sous-signée, certifie ce que tu veux.

Olivier, ce bruit très doux, plop!

Un peu de sérieux, Débilium! Non, je n'ai pas dit ça! Pardon, ma douce Délicium. Débilium, c'est sous-signée. (Je ne signe pas!)

I love the way you are always ready for some good time, SusuPetal. Kippis. Shall we order a pizza with the bottle?

Liisa a dit…

Maybe the wine bottle decided for you. :) As to the saving...

Gerald (Ackworth born) a dit…

unopened indeed! - not for long!

Delphinium a dit…

du sérieux??? ah non, jamais! plutôt boire

mrsnesbitt a dit…




Jim Baker a dit…

yessss.... i love this post... great job!

jim baker

hpy a dit…

Liisa, there's nothing left :(

Quite right Ackworth born!

Tout à fait d'accord, Debauchium.

Do you want a glass, Denise? No, don't take the vodka, we must keep that bottle for next week.

hpy a dit…

You're late Jim Baker, there's nothing left in the bottle. My visitors emptied it even before it was opened.

Mick a dit…

I find the compositional aspects of this photograph intriguing. The positive and negative spaces along with the simplicity of the subject is quite pleasing to my eye.

hpy a dit…

You're unbelievable Mick. This is just a snapshot and you start to analyze the positive and negative sides in it. Wouldn't you prefer just a little glass of wine, even though you're a whiskey drinker! No thinking is needed for that.

bonnie a dit…

You had fun with this one. And a great photograph too. I say just use it again for "W" or pour it in a glass and use it.

Lilli & Nevada a dit…

That is so funny, you sure came up with a lot of U words. Very nice post

Mary Stebbins Taitt a dit…

LOL! Very funny! CUTE. I like this a lot, very creative.

My much simpler posts for U are on NO POLAR COORDINATES along with an AWARD for you being a great Blogger Buddy.

Pete M a dit…

Surely too good to remain unopened

Annie a dit…

Y, I mean you, said it.

lyliane six a dit…

Tu m'amèneras le corps de la personne où il y a la main au bout (ouf je l'ai dit!) samedi il me sera utile car il a l'air expert pour ouvrir les bouteilles.

Digital Flower Pictures a dit…

you have given my an idea.
I think I will try this now ;)

Peter a dit…

Un Ultra-bon Usage d'Un Utensil Utile!

AVCr8teur a dit…

So clever with words. You can open show us your wine collection for W.

photowannabe a dit…

Great use of the letter U. I like how unique everyone's postshave been.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your comments are appreciated.

Neva a dit…

What a great post!!! Very Well done!