samedi 22 décembre 2007

Sleeping in

I got up at seven this morning in order to give Nefertiti something to eat so that she would let me sleep. Then I got back to bed.
Yesterday was quite busy, as always when you would like to do something else. I left the office at two and went to see some candidates for a job about 80km away. At six the phone rang in my car. A customer with some slight problems.
"I'm not far from your office. Do you want me to come over?"
An hour and a half later we were still discussing. He works late.
I still had one person to see, luckily just in order to get some important papers. No discussions.
Back to the office (I don't know what time it was, I didn't care anymore) there was some paper work waiting for me. I couldn't leave it until Monday, there were people waiting for my faxes. Without them they couldn't work.
And you expected me to post at six or seven today! Have a nice Christmas week-end, all of you, and give me a thought on Monday, I'll be working!

17 commentaires:

Cergie a dit…

Qui cé quexpectait ?
Ma pauvre, tu as bien de la misère d'être OBLIGéE de faire des photos de nuit SUBLIMES depuis ta voiture
Ca ouais elle est sublime. Tu es douée, y a rien à dire, cépourquoi nous trépignons

Alors Lundi tu publies, cé ça quon doit comprendre ?
A Lundi alors, bon repos du ouikend toumême...
(Tu te reposes ce ouikend ?)

SusuPetal a dit…

Ray Charles just sang Hit the road...suits you since you work a lot.

Hopefully you'll get some relaxation during Christmas time.

Anonyme a dit…

Hieno kuva, sommittelu kohdallaan!

Rauhallista joulua sinulle HPY!

claude a dit…

You are a very busy woman, Hélène !
Ménage toi quand même ! C'est Noël ! Bon courage pour lundi, moi je serai en courses et en popotte.
Cergie a raison, elle est très belle ta photo, mais fais attention quand tu lache le volant !

Anonyme a dit…

Poor you, toiling like that at Xmas.

But -- busy bee has no time for sorrow :)

Beautifully captured sense of movement in that picture!

Mick a dit…

A very enticing night photograph. I love the graphic look of it.

NYCindividual a dit…

Great lines in this photo.

Liisa a dit…

You need a break as everybody does. On the other hand, rolling stones don´t gather moss... (sammal?).

Hyvää joulua, HPY!

alice a dit…

Pensé à toi aujourd'hui, en me baladant à l'Ile aux Moines: travaille bien demain et ensuite un peu de repos!

Anonyme a dit…

Bra musikk du har lagt ut på bloggen din! Jeg eeeelsker "the house in New Orleans"! Den er så fin!

Ønsker deg og dine en riktig god jul HPY, håper dere koser dere masse og har det helt underbart. Jeg skal tenke på deg i morgen når jeg også jobber, felles skjebne - felles trøst (mager trøsthahaha). Jeg jobber bare til 12, men det er fortsatt tidlig å stå opp kl 05.45, sykle til toget og så toget i 20 minutter... jaja... det blir jo jul da!

God jul

Julekram fra Mette :)

ps. din lille sockerbits lykt er jättesøt!

Mary Stebbins Taitt a dit…

MERRY CHRISTMAS, did you say you have to work?

Nice image! :-D

isopeikko a dit…

Pöö peikolta

hpy a dit…

Cergie, j'ai dormi, dormi, dormi. Et je dormirais encore si seulement je pouvais.

SusuPetal, I've spent the week-end sleeping. Merry Christmas.

Lasse, samoin sinulle.

Claudia, ne manges pas trop ;) et joyeux noël.

Kutis, right you are, maybe! Hyvaa joulua.

MIck, thank you! And Merry Christmas.

Nycindividual, thanks for your visit, I'll come and have a look at you soon.

Liisa, joskus tekisi hyva sammaltua ihan kunnolla. Hyvaa joulua.

Alice, merci à toi. Et Joyeux Noël.

Kosleig, i morgon lagger jag ut mera sockerbitar. Stortack till dig. Och God Jul.

MAry, alas, yes! Merry X-mas to you too.

Isopeikko. peikolle poo! Ja jouluhalaus.

And everybody else : Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, God Jul, Hyvaa Joulua, Feliz Navidad.

Maxime a dit…

Superbe graphisme, HPY ! Mais n'oublies pas de tenir le volant de temps en temps !

DigitalShutterMania a dit…


Great photo
Merry X-Mass and Happy New Year
Wishing You Happy and Prosperous New Year
My New Year card as follows:

KooTee a dit…

Oikein hyvää joulunaikaa toivotetaan täältäkin päin!!!!!

Bergson a dit…

La photographe motorisée a encore frappé trsè fort .
tu t'es arrétée sur le pont ?? dangereux