So cold
It should be cold this time of the year, but it's not.
We have maybe had one or two mornings with white frost, but that's all.
Repeated storms with wind and rain can be spine-chilling though.
The heavy rain, the high tide and the inbound winds make the sea level rise far above the expected.
There are people in Fécamp who don't sleep well when the storms start, as they know that they will have to start the pumping. They won't ever get used to it, they say, shivering all over.
10 commentaires:
Ajatelepas miten paljon on vettä kun pohjoisnapa sulaa.
Yes, it MUST be global warming. It's too weird. Although San Francisco is very mild all year round. This past summer was the warmest we've had since I've lived here ('91). We went to a meet-up to meet with other photobloggers from all over the Bay Area this evening and were on the roof deck of a downtown San Francisco bar and some wore folks wore no December! And it had rained all day! Odd. Thanks for stopping by!
PJ Taylor
Mostly Sunny
Back in Finland, we had the driest most beautiful summer ever. Now we're having the wettest most awful autumn ever - and this durned season is still going on. No signs of winter and virgin snow. I suggest they - yes, they - move Christmas to February, as to ensure we get a white one.
En Suisse, toutes les stations de ski attendent la neige. Elle est venue en petite quantité la semaine passée mais ce n'est pas suffisant. L'automne a été exceptionnellement doux et beau.
Un peu de neige pour Noël ferait joli dans le paysage mais ce n'est pas une absolue nécessité. Nous n'avons pas de prise directe sur la météo. Apprenons à trouver le soleil dans notre coeur. N'est-ce pas?
wow - its so cold there!
C'est un hiver exceptionnel, en réalité, ici le soleil arrive même à chauffer à travers la fenêtre, el les températures sont plutôt douces. J'espère que le dicton ne soit pas vrai: "Noël au balcon, Pâques au tison...
Very cool picture.
I love the ropes, nets and boats!
I worry about the polar bears swimming endlessly with no ice floes. I worry about the penguins and arctic foxes.
But I have to admit that the warmer winter are more comfortable--but the hotter summers are not!
Blogger has started signing me as met on some blogs but not others. I didn't do it and don't know why it does. Mary Stebbins Taitt
(ma photo serait surement meilleure avec un fond autre que noir, mais, surtout, avec la ligne d'horizon vraiment horizontale :))
yes i love to photograph architecture... well otherwise im an architect so is a professional deformation... :)
nice shot!!!
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