mardi 23 mai 2006

My office

This is where I spend quite a lot of time.
Somebody said that you don't need paper anymore, that everything can be done on the Net. Would you believe me if I said that I mailed a letter last week. It weighed 2773 gr. Really. And I still left all the dust on my table. You can see that, too. There's lots of it. Some day I'll have to do something. Sometimes I do. But it somes back, as does everything else you can see.

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

How do you find your desk in the morning?

hpy a dit…

I don't leave it in the evening, that's the only way. I only refuse to reply when the phone or the fax rings. That way I can sleep a little.
I promise, I'll clean it up some day but I'm doing an awful job searching for thousands of small papers for the time being. It will be better when I've finished. Soon, I hope. Not so soon, I'm afraid.

hpy a dit…

I'm a working girl (and just mailing some posts inbetween not to get completely crazy)

Rolka a dit…

Ce n'et pas un "Office" mais un Souk ! (cela me rappelle vaguement mon bureau au travail, je retrouvais pourtant tout, tout de suite ! Or aujourd'hui, je range si souvent que je ne trouve plus rien et en tout cas pas aussi vite)
J'espère que vous ne receviez personne dans cet endroit ?

hpy a dit…

Ne croyez pas que je vais recevoir des marchandeurs de tout poil ailleurs que dans mon bureau. J'y passe au moins 60 heures par semaine, alors eux, les clients et les autres peuvent bien supporter l'ambiance souk pendant quelques minutes. (Il n'y a que le personnel qui est reçu autour d'une tasse de café dans un endroit plus calme.)