Six random things about me
SusuPetal tagged me to tell six random things about me. Common things. In English, if possible.
There were things SusuPetal said about herself that I could say about myself, but I'll try to find something else.
Contrary to SusuPetal I don't like football, soccer or anything like that.
I like eating out, I mean having my meals in a restaurant. (This may explain something about my waist!)
I try to be positive about things, especially when they are hard to take. A good laugh about my own miseries make them smaller, and finally they disappear.
Driving a car is a pleasure for me, especially when I'm sitting behind the wheel. When I'm sitting next to the person who's behind the wheel, I still drive, and then it's not as pleasant, especially for the one who's sitting next to me.
Books is a must, but I don't have enough time to read. Blogging takes a lot of time. Working too. Today more than usual. That's why I'm not yet able to visit you as much as I would like to do.
Many people don't understand my kind of humour. They are never sure if I'm serious, or if I'm joking, and it can be hard to take. By the way, I'm always serious, especially when I'm joking.
I tag Alice, Claude, Deslilas, Lara, Marie-Noyale and Therese to tell six random things about themselves. If possible in English.
I just noticed that Kutuharju sent me the same tag. Can we agree that I already replied?
There were things SusuPetal said about herself that I could say about myself, but I'll try to find something else.
Contrary to SusuPetal I don't like football, soccer or anything like that.
I like eating out, I mean having my meals in a restaurant. (This may explain something about my waist!)
I try to be positive about things, especially when they are hard to take. A good laugh about my own miseries make them smaller, and finally they disappear.
Driving a car is a pleasure for me, especially when I'm sitting behind the wheel. When I'm sitting next to the person who's behind the wheel, I still drive, and then it's not as pleasant, especially for the one who's sitting next to me.
Books is a must, but I don't have enough time to read. Blogging takes a lot of time. Working too. Today more than usual. That's why I'm not yet able to visit you as much as I would like to do.
Many people don't understand my kind of humour. They are never sure if I'm serious, or if I'm joking, and it can be hard to take. By the way, I'm always serious, especially when I'm joking.
I tag Alice, Claude, Deslilas, Lara, Marie-Noyale and Therese to tell six random things about themselves. If possible in English.
I just noticed that Kutuharju sent me the same tag. Can we agree that I already replied?
26 commentaires:
Nice to learn «six choses que je sais d'elle!». But not liking football is an handicap... ;))
Have a great week!
No time to say more than I LOVE this photograph of your backyard ... I'm all wrapped up in the football playoffs! :D
I'm also always serious.
I don't drive, so there wouldn't be a problem if we sat in the same car!
thanks for tagging me! this will be a nice task - as soon as I finish my final half of page left for translation :). and - how funny - I drive too when I'm sitting next to the actual driver - but it's more stressful and tiring :). same with books :).
voila, on se découvre petit a petit sur les bloggs ;o) j'aime la photo, l'ombre des arbres, qui peuvent représenter l'ombre de ta personnalité que tu nous dévoileras pas.
Quelque chose d'extraordinaire que tu ne dévoiles pas : tu as disparu car tu es devenue une vampire (d'ailleurs n'as tu pas l'accent des Carpates ?)
Depuis que tu es rentrée tu fuis le soleil et reste à couvert dans la journée. C'est pour ça que tu commentes plus guère, pas parce que tu as du travail.
Tu ne dis jamais tout, ni toute la vérité...
"It's a gift if you can smile (grin) at yourself but it's bliss to be able to laugh at yourself"...
Definitely, good humor makes the world go around
Love the photo!
Je vais réfléchir à tout ça...Bon lundi!
Tout est bien vrai! tu te souviens lors d'une coupe du monde de foot nous sommes allées faire une virée toutes les 2 à Paris et pour ceux qui comprennent ton franc caractère, tu es une merveilleuse amie.
Now, how should I know if you are serious or joking here? Seriously?
(Well, I think I know.)
It's always interesting what someone writes about herself (himself). and a wonderufl photo with a great misty atmosphere.
"reed" ou "read"?
Je déteste conduire. J'ai appris à conduire avec un imbécile heureux qui me gueulait toujours dessus. Depuis là, je crève de trouille au volant et je ne conduis donc que si je suis vraiment obligée.
Je préfère les transports publics et maintenant avec le nouveau métro, c'est super de se lever le matin et d'aller travailler. Enfin ce matin, c'était pas trop super. J'ai mal dormi, je suis d'une humeur de chien, j'ai pas envie de travailler, il pleut, il fait pas froid mais il fait froid quand même. Et moi quand je suis sérieuse je suis sérieuse et quand je fais de l'humour, je suis aussi sérieuse. C'est peut-être pour cela que j'aime bien votre humour qui n'est jamais sérieux. Pis d'ailleurs faut pas trop se prendre la tête, c'est vrai. Surtout pas les temps qui courent.
et si les temp arrêtaient un peu de courir, on ne s'en porterait pas plus mal.
Quant au travail, j'ai toujours pensé que vous travailliez trop mais bon, moi je ne peux rien faire de plus que dire que je trouve que vous travaillez trop. Je dis et puis après vous faites comme bon vous semble. Voilà, c'est dit.
Il pleut aussi chez vous aujourd'hui?
C'est aussi tout sombre et tout triste?
Delgrippium, read!
Comme une grande soeur que je n'ai pas ... ou alors ... que j'ai, mais que je n'ai jamais vue. Vu, que c'est toi et que tu ne le savais pas ;)
Serieuse? Toujours sur les bords!
Bises de marja
I did my chores lol
Dis, sur ta belle photo, c'est un arbre avec "un rond point"?
Ihan kuin pääsisi kurkistamaan peikkona ikkunasta kotiisi :) Kiitos.
quelque chose qui malgré les distances nous éclaircisse les idées sur les personnes qui tapent ces claviers…
elle est belle la photo! dites, ça suffit maintenant, c'est 17h00, il faut arrêter de travailler et préparer le café. :-)
17h32, je me mets seulement à mon ordi pour changer un peu de la broderie. Je ne suis pas bien, j'ai une gastro. Merci de m'avoir tagée. Je suis comme Alice, je réfléchis à ça et ferai sans doute un post dans la semaine.
Ta photo est vraiment belle A demain !
Bravo a Therese qui a deja fait son homework!!
Moi,c'est plutot comme Alice et Claude il faut que refflechisse a tout cela avant...
je suis pareille j'adore conduire a la place du chauffeur et a celle du passager!!!
Done on le bleu du ciel
Un nouveau blog qui à l'air sympa :). Moi je n'aime pas la voiture, et je préfère être à la place du passager lorsque je l'utilise... En tout cas la photo est très jolie.
I do sympathize with this:
"Many people don't understand my kind of humour. They are never sure if I'm serious, or if I'm joking, and it can be hard to take. By the way, I'm always serious, especially when I'm joking."
How come, I have had the same problem. (At least you understand my humour, hah haa). It must be partly because I do not always know my self if I'm seriously joking or jokingly serious.. Why should it be either or, after all. Why can't we have everything?
Ok, since you are so busy, this will be fine: you have replied. And you have answered well! (Though I did say somewhere that that I expect 12 qualities since I tagged you first ;)
Kutuharju, expecially for you, six more things about me:
-Blue may be my favourite colour, but I have very few things in that colour.
-I like cats, but I suppose that everybody knows that.
-I work too much, but it's a hobby.
_Shopping is something I mostly dislike.
-I'm planning to buy me a new camera. (I've done it for years already, but maybe I'll do it this year.)
That makes it twelve, just for you!
and the sixth one.
-I can't count until six, I always stop at five!!!
Thank you! I'm so flattered and impressed now that you pampered me with a private show of six extra special things :)
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